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Apprenticeship: Period Four



National Electrical Code

2014 Edition, NFPA 70

Exam Registration

Payment for exam registration is to complete the selected BFAAM Apprenticeship Exam once. As a reminder, all payments for the BFAAM Apprenticeship program must be made with company funds. Personal checks and credit cards can not be accepted. Once payment is processed, you will be sent login information to access the BFAAM Apprenticeship Exam.


A passing score for this exam is 70% or higher. You will be notified if you passed or failed exam upon completion. Registrants can take the exam multiple times but must register for the exam with each attempt. Access information for the exam will be sent to you once payment is processed.


Exam Instructions

You can use the back button at any time to review past questions or to answer skipped questions. Please note that you must select the "Next" button for your answers to be accepted. If you opt to go back and review your questions prior to final submission, you must still hit the "Next" button after each question. Any question that the "Skip" option is used to go to the next question will be counted as an unanswered question, regardless if a response is selected or not.

Questions: 50

Pass Rate: 70%

Back Button: Allowed

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