Apprenticeship: Program Overview
The objectives of the BFAAM Apprenticeship Program are to meet the federal requirements for the industry, help ensure wage progression follows on the job work experience progression as required by the federal statute, and train apprentices to give them the tools and information they need to sit for and pass the NICET Level II test. Once they pass that test and achieve NICET Level II certification in Fire Alarm Systems, they no longer need to remain in the BFAAM Apprenticeship Program. With NICET Level II certification, the apprentice becomes eligible to take the Fire Alarm Specialty Technician (FAST) exam administered by LARA. Passing the FAST exam and paying the required fees results in licensure as a Fire Alarm Specialty Technician.
All employers must complete applications to enroll apprentices. All forms are available on the Getting Started page of this site. Paperwork includes:
Apprenticeship Employer Form
Apprenticeship Employee Form
Apprenticeship Wage Schedule (Appendix A) – NOTE: must ensure wage progression
Employer Participation Agreement (Appendix E)
Please note the following:
The Apprenticeship Program runs calendar year meaning the employers will pay fees annually to keep enrolled apprentices in the Apprenticeship Program.
Each apprentice will require a separate fee associated with him/her. An apprentice registration cannot be transferred from one individual to another
All costs associated with the employees/apprentices enrolled in the BFAAM Apprenticeship Program are to be paid by the employer only. BFAAM cannot accept any compensation from apprentices, and our legal advisor indicated that Michigan employers are not permitted to charge their employees for participating in the apprenticeship program
Once all forms are completed and payment is received from the employer, BFAAM will enroll your apprentice(s) in the program and with the US Department of Labor for you.
BFAAM will invoice the employer for apprentices each year. Any company that does not return payment for these annual renewals will have their apprentices dropped from the program. Only apprentices registered with BFAAM Apprenticeship Program will be approved for their State of Michigan apprenticeship applications (see below).
State of Michigan Apprenticeship Application
Once enrollment is complete with the USDOL, BFAAM will notify you via email. You will also be given directions on how to enroll your apprentice(s) with the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).
Any person already registered as an apprentice with LARA needs to complete a RENEWAL APPLICATION FORM (the pink form) that LARA provides. If he/she did not receive it for some reason, they simply need to contact the Electrical Division at 517‐241‐9320 and LARA will send him/her a new pink form.
Any person who is a newly registered apprentice must complete the Application for Fire Alarm Specialty Apprentice Technician (the white form).
The pink forms are for current, registered apprentices. The white forms are for new apprentices only.
The BFAAM Apprenticeship Program meets the educational/classroom instruction requirement. All classroom education will be conducted via webinar. All webinars are posted to the BFAAM website and accessible by any apprentice at any time. There is no fee for the webinar education. Additionally, each apprentice must gain on the job experience through their employer. Click on the applicable Period in the menu at the top, left of this page to access the webinars.
The BFAAM Apprenticeship Program includes four periods that will take at least two years for every apprentice to progress through the program. In order to progress through each period, each apprentice must pass an online test. The test fee will be $75 per apprentice per test. Only apprentices who pass the tests are allowed to move to the next period. NOTE: Apprentices may retake the tests and test fees apply for each attempt. Click on the applicable Period in the menu at the top, left of this page to access the exam registration.
Course Materials
Click on the applicable Period in the menu at the top, left of this page to purchase the materials.
First Period: Basic Fire Alarm Systems Course
Fire Alarm Signaling Systems Handbook – NFPA, 2010 edition -
Second Period: Fire Alarm Layout and Design Course
National Fire Alarm & Signaling Code – NFPA 72, 2013 edition -
Third Period: Building Code Course
Michigan Building Code – ICC, 2015 edition -
Fourth Period: Electrical Code Requirements Course
National Electrical Code – NFPA 70, 2014 edition
All apprentices must demonstrate progress being made toward the on‐the‐job experience and the educational objectives. If an employer feels that an apprentice is not making progress, an employer can request an apprentice be placed on suspension. Also, if an apprentice does not demonstrate progress by taking periodic exams, then that apprentice will be placed on suspension. Suspension for inactivity or lack of progress can remain in effect for up to 3 months. Apprentices placed on suspension for inactivity or lack of progress will be notified that they have up to 3 months to demonstrate progress or they will be cancelled from the program.
Additionally, any apprentice serving our country for active duty is eligible for up to a 12 month suspension at the request of the apprentice or the employer.
Please note: any apprentice placed on suspension will not be authorized for apprenticeship registration with the State of Michigan and will not be able to legally perform his/her job duties.